Sunday, December 8, 2024

 every so often one of these gets caught but i wonder how many don't;

How much lower can the FBI sink? Just when you think this disgraceful agency has hit rock bottom, they manage to dig even deeper. This time, it’s yet another DEI hire making a total mockery of the badge. Agent Nicholas Anthony Williams has been arrested and convicted for robbing people blind during home invasion raids—and yes, at least one of those raids targeted a January 6th political prisoner.

As if it wasn’t bad enough that the regime weaponized the FBI to go after non-violent Americans, now we find out that during those raids, Agent Williams was lurking around like a common thief, helping himself to their belongings.

Honestly, this is what the DEI agenda does: it takes our once-esteemed agencies and institutions and turns them into a colossal joke. And sadly, it’s still going strong, as this shameful story proves.

Liberty News:

A former FBI agent, Nicholas Anthony Williams, has been convicted of stealing cash, valuables, and other property while executing search warrants, including items taken from the home of a non-violent January 6 defendant. The conviction, tied to a series of thefts spanning years, has further fueled scrutiny of federal law enforcement practices..........more......

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