Saturday, December 7, 2024

 its a curious thing to watch when 'democracies' such as the eu which isn't, attempt to impose their will when it all flies in their face which is where the romanians will be taking this i suspect;

U.S. elects Trump, France’s globalist warmongering government collapses, Romania may boot its globalist president and elect a populist, same for Georgia, and Ukraine would love to ditch Zelensky.

The nations of the world are falling into chaos and turmoil like perhaps never before in the post-World War II modern era.

The government of France collapsed today. I think the U.K. is on its way to a similar situation. Ukraine would love to get rid of Zelensky, whose approval ratings are down around 24 percent. People are tired of war and economic hardship brought on by fraudulent green economic policies associated with the World Economic Forum, United Nations and other globalist organizations.

A couple of days ago South Korea briefly fell into chaos. Then Syria. The Eastern European nation of Georgia is in the midst of an attempted color revolution (almost certainly CIA-inspired). We all know about Ukraine and Russia and the purported quest to end that nasty border war by the incoming president of the United States, Donald Trump. I am one of the few who have reported the real reason for that war — it has nothing to do with freedom or “democracy.” No, that war is being waged over who gets control of the vast natural resources in Russia and Ukraine.

The United States itself has been assessed by many authors and observers to be on the brink of civil war. And trying to deport 20 million illegals could serve as the triggering mechanism.

Nation states around the world are falling into chaos. This seems orchestrated by hidden powers who operate above the level of political leaders...........more.......

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