Saturday, November 30, 2024

 i refer to 'our free press' as the mockingbird media after the cia program in which virtually all of 'our free press' was working for the cia program: operation mockingbird. i virtually never watch any 'nightly national news' on the networks because i know those who can lie more effectively if i want to see fiction;

The old mainstream media is dying, and has been for years.

This has only become more apparent  in the weeks since Donald Trump was re-(s)elected. News that CNN is firing half their workforce, that MSNBC’s ratings continue to slump and is probably being sold, or that The Guardian is leaving X and in financial trouble are greeted with celebratory memes.

Newspaper readership has been dropping for decades, and television news channels struggle to drum up the audience of a moderately popular YouTube channel featuring cute cat videos set to quirky music.

And you know what? Great. That’s all good stuff.

CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian – all of them – they deserve to go under. Digital communication has allowed people to undermine and overthrow decades-old propaganda outlets.

But does that mean it’s over?  Is  Elon Musk actually correct when he reassuringly declares on X that “YOU are the media now”.

Well the answer to that depends on whether or not you think the same forces that spent untold resources constructing this system of information control are just going to give up and go home when it starts to fail.

I mean – does anyone seriously think they would?.........more.......

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