Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 at this rate won't be long till requiring that potential employees have all arms, legs and such will be considered racism at the rate the woke idiots are moving;

The Biden-Harris Department of Justice has launched multiple lawsuits against local police and fire departments, claiming that requiring public safety hires to demonstrate basic math skills is racist.

The lawsuits undermine Kamala Harris’s attempts to brand herself as a moderate in the final weeks of the presidential campaign, with the suits both suggesting a dim view of blacks by the administration and employing the theory of “disparate impact,” the radical theory that holds that anytime there are statistical racial disparities, racism must be the cause — even if no one can explain how.

On Friday, the DOJ’s civil rights unit filed a lawsuit against South Bend, Indiana, saying “South Bend uses a written examination that discriminates against Black applicants and a physical fitness test that discriminates against female applicants.”........more...........

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