Sunday, October 13, 2024

 for fifty three minutes larry and nima explore the remains of our various wars;

Three months ago, MediaZona tried to do a volte face and claimed Russian casualties were soaring. But their analysis was based on an algorithm, not data. Simplicius did an excellent job of deconstructing the falsity of the claim. So now, the US Pentagon is pushing the same story, which was reported in the New York Times two days ago — September Was Deadly Month for Russian Troops in Ukraine, U.S. Says.

Here is the US propaganda courtesy of the NY Times reporter, Eric Schmitt:

September was the bloodiest month of the war for Russian forces in Ukraine, U.S. officials said, with the costly offensive in the east bringing the number of Russia’s dead and wounded to more than 600,000 troops since the war started.

U.S. officials attribute the high number of Russian casualties to what they describe as a grinding war of attrition, with each side trying to exhaust the other by inflicting maximum losses, hoping to break the enemy’s capacity and will to continue. Russian troops have made steady but incremental gains in recent months in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine, U.S. officials said. . . .

“It’s kind of the Russian way of war in that they continue to throw mass into the problem,” a senior U.S. military official said this week, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal assessments, in announcing the Pentagon’s latest Russian casualty estimate. “And I think we’ll continue to see high losses on the Ukrainian side.”.............more.......

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