Thursday, October 10, 2024

 the empire and its attack dog, israel, are on the highway to hell and running straight there;

Israel now has its greatest opportunity in 50 years, to change the face of the Middle East. We must act now to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple this terrorist regime. We have the justification. We have the tools. Now that Hezbollah and Hamas are paralyzed, Iran stands exposed. Naftali Bennett, former Israeli Prime Minister

For Israel to achieve its regional ambitions, it must lure the US into a war with Iran. In order to accomplish that feat, Israel must strike Iran with enough force to provoke a violent and destructive retaliation. As soon as it looks like Israel is in trouble, the US will ride to the rescue with “guns blazing”. But, first, Israel must initiate a provocation big enough to ensure the outcome that it seeks. In short, Israel’s real target is the US because it is the US that must be hoodwinked into fighting Israel’s war. Regrettably, duping America is what Israel does best.

Americans are under the illusion that the United States will prevail in a war with Iran. But it’s not true. Iran has been preparing for a war with the US for over two decades, and they are ready-to-go. They have developed a missile technology that far exceeds anything currently available in the Pentagon’s arsenal and they are fully prepared to conduct a protracted asymmetrical war that will trigger a cataclysmic disruption of critical supply lines followed by the thundering crash of global markets. Bottom line: If the US attacks Iran, Washington is going to suffer a withering knockout blow that will end its dominance in the region and perhaps the world........more.........

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