Wednesday, January 31, 2024

 i'd consider this a companion piece to the previous pcr post about the tariff and the war of succession;

The Anti-White Democrat Media and Educational institutions Are Destroying We the People and Our Country

Paul Craig Roberts. 

The Biden Regime’s threats to Texas for daring to protect America’s borders leads me again to thoughts about the so-called “civil war,” which was an invasion of a country, the Confederate States of America, by the United Stares of America, a false name as the states were disunited by the Morrill Tariff.

What was at stake was economic interests.  The North intended to use the South to bear the tax burden of northern development and prosperity at the expense of the South’s impoverishment. The battle had gone on for decades prior to the War of Northern Aggression, almost resulting in armed conflict in the decades prior to 1861.  It was the Morrill Tariff  passed by the US Senate on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln’s inauguration, endorsed by Lincoln in his inauguration address, that provoked secession by the Southern states targeted for economic exploitation as they lacked the votes in Congress to prevent  the passage of the Morrill Tariff.

Here is the true factual story, quite different from the intended lies, designed to demonize white Southern Americans, that are taught in US universities, the NY Times 1619 project, and in US public schools: 

In total violation of all known facts and the clear historical record, US universities teach the extraordinary lie, that has zero evidence, that the so-called “civil war,” which it most certainly was not, was a Moral Crusade by Moral Northerners to end the slavery perpetrated by evil white racist Southerners.  This lie has become the basis of US university departments, especially the totally corrupt Black History departments.  ........more...........

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