this is a writer i've just recently encountered who has lots to say that resonates to varying degrees with the things i see and consider;
I am compelled by the late hour of our republic to recognize how far we have come and how far we have slipped. After centuries of rising from a mere rabble of farmers and shopkeepers, homemakers and nurses to one of the most powerful and wealthy nations on earth, it took next to no time to fall amongst the casualties of broken empires.
The end of the United States has already been accomplished, it’s just a matter now of how it unfolds. Those in the Executive branch of government have already committed the ultimate treason, the violation of the borders, the destruction of the nation’s security. Our enemies have been gifted an open drawbridge to the castle and our enemies have stampeded in. The nation’s people now must confront those enemies with the spears of their own soldiers at their backs.
Every act of treason has been perpetrated upon the nation. Oaths of office have been disregarded in favor of financial consideration. The military has been left to languish in the arms of mocking social equity. The Treasury has been looted by debts racked up by mindless spending. Munitions have been discontinued. Military vehicles and armaments given to terrorists. If there is in the history of the world any more complete and comprehensive treason than this, I have not heard of it.
And yet, they continue to play the anthem, continue to raise the flag as if to hide their treason behind the vaunted ramparts of patriotism.
What is going to happen is what must happen, what is designed to happen and that is terrorist attacks, assaults from those enemies brought in by bus and plane, escorted to hotels to lavish them with gold and silver while they plan their attacks on us in peace and comfort. It is, perhaps, a cleansing of Americans from America. What is it that they hate so much about the people to whom they claim fealty?.......more.........
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