Monday, October 30, 2023

 its kunstler monday and i had mixed feelings about this one as he's a definite israel supporter as you might imagine a joo would be, and i'm closer to the ritter point of view, so lets see what you think about this mixed message essay;

“The post-mortem on the disastrous Biden years will be one of incredulity at how Joe Biden, of all people, was ever placed in charge.” —James White

The fog of war has never been so dense, what with the years-long sustained psy-ops of the US Intel “Community” against the American people . . . the lawfare operations of the Democratic Party against innocent patriots. . . the homicidal depredations of the pharma-government complex . . . the Cultural Marxists’ weaponization of language against common sense and common decency . . . the Neocon warhawks’ serial failed crusades to control faraway lands of dubious national interest . . .and the relentless mendacity of the sell-out Big Media. . .

     It’s a wonder that anybody might venture a coherent thought, or that such a thought might survive transmission from person to person intact, without a sadistic beat-down or a dishonest, tactical inversion of meaning along the way. A thought such as: the Jews have a right to exist in a place called Israel. This is now up for debate around the world, whereas it had been accepted as self-evident by many civilized states a few weeks ago.

     The military pundit Scott Ritter acted out a spectacular mental melt-down on video the other day. Among the statements he made were: “We need the Israeli army to be destroyed, to suffer defeat” . . . “Israel is the greatest threat to peace in the world” . . . “Political Zionism is a rabid dog and must be killed” . . . “I’m glad Hamas is winning” . . .

    It’s far from clear what Scott’s definition of Zionism is, but says: “a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel and that now supports the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland.” That’s pretty standard across many dictionaries. So, is Scott Ritter calling for the cancellation of Israel? Sounds like it, a little bit. He’s not alone. That has been the dream of most of Islam in the region for seventy-five years. Now, a great multi-nation jihad rises to expel what the Iranians like to call “the Zionist Entity,” as if it were some scaley thing that slithered out of a UFO. Even the American Ivy League is rooting to drive Israel into the sea........more..........

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