Tuesday, October 24, 2023

 pcr explains how this sets up the orange man for future troubles;

Sidney Powell’s Plea Bargain Sets Up Trump for Conviction

Paul Craig Roberts

According to this report–https://www.rt.com/news/585357-powell-pleads-guilty-trump-georgia/ — one of President Trump’s attorneys, Sidney Powell, “pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts of conspiring to interfere with election duties and accepted a sentence of six years’ probation and a $6,000 fine. She must also write a letter of apology to the state and its residents and testify against her co-defendants, including her former client.”

I will explain to you what this means.  Sidney Powell found herself at risk at the hands of a black prosecutor and a black jury in Atlanta, Georgia in a jury trial. Powell already knew that the prosecutor was biased against her and reasoned the same from the black jury. 

Plea bargaining, which is what Sidney Powell has done, arose because prosecutors are more interested in their conviction rate than they are in innocence or guilt, and judges are more interested in clearing their dockets than in trials.  To aid their conviction rate, prosecutors have gained the power to withhold exculpatory evidence from the defendant and to bribe other defendants with reduced sentences or with money to testify falsely against the target defendant.  This is what Sidney Powell has done.  

What this means for Trump is that one of his own attorneys has admitted guilt rather than to undergo the ordeal and risks of trial and has agreed in exchange to testify against Trump.  So Trump’s own lawyer provides the black prosecutor and black jury (or white Democrat) with evidence to convict Trump.  ........more........

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