Thursday, January 5, 2023

 pcr shows you just a bit of why and how 'our' government isn't;

Kevin McCarthy Has now lost 6 straight votes to be Speaker of the House

Paul Craig Roberts

Kevin McCarthy has 201 votes, 17 short of the 218 required.  His challenger, Byron Donalds of Florida has 20 votes. To be sure you understand what this means.  In the entirety of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, there are only 20 members dedicated to change.  McCarthy’s 201 votes are all for the status quo.

That part of the American people who do not want to be dismissed as racists, transgendered away, and manipulated into sacrificing their civil liberties for “safety,” are unable to put into office people who represent them.  The reason is that elected representatives are elected by the organized interests that comprise the Establishment.  The organized interests provide the funds to finance the election campaign, not the voters.  Therefore, the elected representatives represent the interest groups whose money gets them elected.  Until money is taken out of politics, which the US Supreme Court has made impossible by its stupid ruling, the House and Senate will represent those whose funds put them in office.

Donald Trump came out for McCarthy.  In my opinion this was a stupid move for Trump. It aligns Trump with the establishment, whereas his supporters are for him because he stood for change.  Obviously, Trump still has advisors determined to sink him.  

What Trump should have done–and he could have done it–is to form a new party.  This would have replaced the Republican Party which represents interest groups with a political party fighting for Americans.  .......more.........

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