Sunday, January 29, 2023

 this writer believes the covid was intended for more than it appears;

This was the actual main goal in my opinion, the vaccine actually being secondary. 

One of the main goals anyway, they always get multiple jobs done with every big operation.

9/11 wasn’t just about war in the Middle East, or securing oil fields, or restricting the power dynamic there, it also made possible the Patriot Act, and laid out the initial infrastructure for the worldwide police surveillance state that was to come.

The vaccines were probably a massive experiment to eventually introduce an entirely new kind of transhuman “miracle” medicine in the next few years as they do a Dark to Light, Ordo ab Chao, Luciferian takeover of the world.

The intention is probably to use all of the chaos we see right now to usher in a New Age of “peace” and “health” and probably a new religion to replace the Old World ones somewhere in there as well. But the all-knowing, all seeing eye of digitized and recorded everything is requisite to the establishment of this New World Order, and to assure any detractors are immediately identified and kept in line, unpersoned from society, or removed completely from the world and all of history. Also to assure the message it will be instilling into its NPC army is synchronized, standardized and available to all, everywhere. .......more.....

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