at one time long ago i considered myself to be of the leftest persuasion but no more and i can see what they're doing now but it appears many can't. the 'joe biden' creature is shutting it all down slowly and in a manner with which one could successfully boil a frog; trucking, farming, fishing, manufacturing and more are being reduced. we're told that oil drilling is facilitated as all signs point to that not being the case. you won't like where this is all going;
“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.” — Ayn Rand
Do you ever get the desperate feeling that you need to wake people up who are sitting around saying ‘This is fine,’ while the nation is on fire? If you look at the evidence that has accrued over the past few years and then apply it to the proper conceptional model, you will find that all the pieces fall perfectly into place. That is how you convince people that what’s happening is both real and serious.
Those of us on the pro-freedom right should be aware of the horrific events of the past few years. However, there’s a problem, which is that it’s hard to take it all in and make sense of it. It’s also an issue that sometimes we can’t wrap our minds around the fact that the tyrannical ten percent would want something so monstrous.
The people of Germany in the 1930s also failed to understand the monstrousness of the Nazi party. They paved the way for one of the great crimes of humankind. And the parallelism is stronger than many Americans realize because the Nazis were also creatures of the left. (Leftists who just lost the plot with that should read a book, learn some facts and realize they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed).
Modeling the past is the best way to predict the future. Thus, one looks at current events and then develops a working theory of what is taking place by seeing how the facts fit into the conceptual model you are developing, a model that can be based on the fact that people will repeat failed behaviors. Oftentimes, it must be modified to fit the facts in an iterative process, until the concept is perfected.
When you have a good idea of what is truly happening, most, if not all, of the disparate pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. Most of you are far ahead of us here, but this is to help you explain to others how all this fits together.
Ruling class leftists have been doing things that don’t make any sense unless they are examined in the context of the overall picture. Actions that look like complete incompetence in isolation form a pattern of terrifying malfeasance when taken together.........more........
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