the empire is dying. it isn't due to outside forces. here is some evidence;
The Western financial system and world reserve currency is now in open decline.
From Rigged to Fail to Just Plain Failing
Just two years ago, I wrote a book warning that Western markets in general, and US markets in particular, were Rigged to Fail.
Well, now, in real time, they are failing.
This hard reality has less to do with COVID or the war in the Ukraine and more to do with one simple force, which euphoric markets and clueless leaders have been ignoring for decades, namely: Debt.
As I wrote then, and will repeat now: Debt destroys nations, financial systems, markets, and currencies.
Always and every time.
As we see below, the inflationary financial system is now failing because its debt levels have rendered it impotent to grow economically, react sensibly or sustain its chronic debt addictions naturally.
The evidence of this is literally everywhere, from the Fed to the Petrodollar and the bond market to the gold price.
Let’s dig in.
The Fed: No Best-Case Scenarios Left
The Fed has driven itself, and hence the U.S. markets and economy, into an all-too predictable corner and historically dangerous crossroads.
If it turns to the left (i.e., more money printing/liquidity) to protect a record-breaking risk asset bubble, it faces an inflationary flood; if it turns to the right (and raises rates or tapers UST purchases), it faces a market inferno.
How did we get to this crossroads?
Easy: Decades of artificially suppressed rates, cheap credit and a $30T sovereign debt pile of unprecedented (and unsustainable) proportions.
The Dying Bond more.......
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