Thursday, April 28, 2022

 link and the intro below sent by a friend. i could only stand a short bit of the video as everyone of 'our' representatives got down on their hands and knees bowing to the zionists;

We always talk about the United States like it's 'our' government, however, it has never been 'our' government. Its always [since the Civil War] been a foreign owned corporation that has hidden the truth from the people, all the while maintaining the population as bonded slaves. Some things never change---just the propaganda used to keep us under their control. But we have the freedom to vote don't we? That is like the prisoners trying to vote for a new warden when both candidates have been picked by the State that incarcerated you. If you think Israel is the friend of the American people because all these politicians, including Trump, continue to heap praise and big bucks on them, you need to wake up and take a good look at just how they have wormed their way into the systems of controll over the American

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