Thursday, March 24, 2022

 we have become the target since the covid crap began and with this info below you can see, along with the post previously about how you can be tracked by your 'jab', its all coming together and the mark of the beast begins to be utilized;

Did Biden’s handlers just give us their ‘final warning’ about the next big crisis that will be used to reset the world?

I know it’s over-used, to the point of cliché, but it appears we have entered one of those calms before the storm, a lull in between the end of one crisis and the beginning of another.

We’ve gone from unprecedented plandemic lockdowns and mandates, to people’s uprisings (remember the truckers?), soaring inflation, wars and rumors of wars. But it seems like the globalists have something even bigger that they would like to hit us with.

What could be bigger than a global pandemic or a raging world war, you ask?

The Biden White House may have provided a clue Monday, March 21, when it issued a press release titled Statement By President Biden on Our Nation’s Cybersecurity.

Biden also spoke on the issue. See video clip and watch more..........

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