Wednesday, August 5, 2020

this writer tells you where we're heading and how. you won't like the destination even less than you like the current methods designed to take us there. this is the new 911 and much more effective than the original one;

Unemployment has surged to levels never before seen in this country, but not one politician has lost his job due to any lockdown. There were over 40 million job losses by the end of May due to government mandates, and this deliberately structured second phase plot will see that number continue to increase dramatically. Not only will many more lose their jobs, but also millions of those jobs will be lost permanently. How is it that those that created and implemented this fake pandemic, from the banking and corporate heads, the tax exempt foundations, the ‘health’ organizations and pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians that serve their interests, have been unaffected by this insanity? Why is it that the top tier of so-called elites and all the politicians are still employed and gaining great wealth while the rest of Americans are suffering and dying? What on earth is essential about a politician, and why are they living in the lap of luxury while this country is driven to hell?
“You [the peasant] yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he [the tyrant or the state] may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check.”
Étienne de La Boétie—“The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
The masses are certainly being held in check, and in fact, the state is getting more aggressive in its efforts to enforce all the draconian restrictions necessary so that it can continue to gain power. While multiple global agendas are being advanced, there is but one main goal; and that is to achieve total and complete control over humanity. That is the ultimate agenda sought, and it gets closer to fruition every single more........

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