Monday, August 24, 2020

we ain't in kansas anymore and this writer shows you how, why and where its heading;

Hear me…you see the entire ruling class essentially rejecting the Constitution, the American way, rejecting the legitimacy of elections.  There can be no mild response to that, and there isn’t one.  Trump’s voters want certain results and they don’t particularly care how they get them.  The ruling class wants its power and doesn’t particularly care how it holds on to it.
Win or lose for Trump in 2020, demands for dictatorial and even tyrannical power will rise.  If Trump wins, the left will go even more berserk and the right (and I divide left and right by where one falls, knowingly or unknowingly, regarding natural law) will come to a point of demanding action – or taking it individually and in small groups.  If Trump loses, the left needs no pretext for demanding dictatorial or tyrannical power.  This defines the left.
Either way, there are too many people in too many towns – especially in what is known as “flyover country” but also in other parts of the country – that are well capable of taking matters into their own hands by defending their own.
The only peaceful outcome is more..........

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