Thursday, August 27, 2020

if you have limited time i suggest you go about half way down and watch the video by  dr carrie madej as she makes lots of good points but if you have the time here you will find truths the tv won't present;

It’s not speculation to suggest that some key people prosper and even benefit during an economic crisis, however it arrives, as small business owners struggle and large corporations and banks benefit from huge government subsidies, giving them the unfair advantage over the small business they eventually absorb as those businesses fail. The fake Covid crisis and the nationwide shutdown has placed over 50% of small businesses in America on a path of collapse, as the few elites have been given enormous economic power to shape policy that benefits them alone.
It’s not speculation that many of these so-called “elites”, i.e. Bill Gates, George Soros, and others, would appreciate having strict measures of control over the people and society on the whole, by suppressing their freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom to travel, and many of these folks are already on board with China’s Social Credit Score and advocating something similar here in America, along with the total surveillance of American society, check points as seen in New York City and official certifications, i.e the Gates’ Covid Vaccine, to act as permits for activities that might give one freedom beyond the capitalist framework. ~ J.O.S.  

“I should not misuse this opportunity to give you a lecture about, say, logic. I call this a misuse, for to explain a scientific matter to you it would need a course of lectures and not an hour’s paper.” ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein, A Lecture On Ethics
America may have a fine appreciation for scientific facts, but we must not allow that appreciation to become such, that it allows the technocrats of our society to grow more powerful than our elected officials, and we must also stay vigilant to halt the falsification and misrepresentation of “science”, that is utilized by some, in order to weaponize science and use it as a tool of control over society. This is, in fact, what is happening in our country today, in regards to COVID-19, due to the politicization of science by the mainstream Leftist media, and the declarations of Marxist celebrities, Democrat and RINO governors and mayors, and far too many imbecilic Hollywood “celebrities”. And now, America’s science has been badly corrupted. 
In our country and across the globe, this hyped Covid event is one of the least “pandemics” seen in the past two thousand years, however, that is not a deterrent to the power-hungry, fat, blathering bureaucrats in the Democrat strongholds, in our states, cities and federal government too, who are of the same mind as Dr Norman Oliver, Virginia’s State Health Commissioner. On August 21st, Oliver essentially stated that he alone has the authority to make the vaccine for Covid-19 mandatory, once it is provided, possibly in and watch more.......

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