Thursday, August 27, 2020

the videorebel presents a synopsis of our current reality in a short form, and it ain't a good one;

Recently, one man shot another in broad daylight in New York City. He was videotaped by a surveillance camera. Not much doubt that the shooter was guilty. He was arrested for attempted murder. He was given No Cash Bail and released back into the community where he engaged in 3 more shootings before being arrested again. Fortunately, the man was a poor shot and nobody died. Depending on the police to protect you, might be a good plan if you live in a city where police budgets weren’t cut. And it would be a good plan except that the DNC platform calls for making No Cash Bail a nationwide law.
Alternatively, you could move to the Hamptons and live with the donors to the Democrat party if you wanted to be safe.
If you lived in California, you would get a third of your electricity from solar energy. That’s great except that you can’t generate electricity from solar at night and on overcast days. They are currently having rolling blackouts so you might have to get a generator from a friend and take it to your dad’s house to power all those life saving medical devices he depends on and to also run the air conditioning as he is near a heat stroke. Now the DNC 2020 platform wants the California energy model to go nationwide. A great plan except that instead of California importing electricity from Texas and Utah it will be the 48 states of the continental US plus DC importing their electricity from Mexico and Canada once Trudeau leaves office. That might not work too well if you wanted electricity all day long every day of the more.........

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