Friday, August 2, 2019

those who believe what their tv tells them will never accept the points made, correctly, in this essay on the empire in its opposition to iran;

It’s always been about regime change. Washington’s ultimate goal in Iran for the past 40 years has been to bring down the Mullah’s leading the Islamic Republic of Iran. As much as the current administration and specifically President Donald Trump try to hide or deny it, causing the collapse of the Iranian government would be seen as an incomparable “accomplishment” for the current (and even past) administrations.
Unilaterally withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 and imposing harsh sanctions, soon after, wasn’t truly meant to bring Iran back to the negotiating table to formulate a new nuclear deal, one that didn’t have Obama’s signature on it.
No, on the contrary, these actions were meant to make economic conditions as unbearable as possible for the majority of Iranian civilians in hopes that they would either revolt against their current government (which is unlikely) or that the entire country would implode taking down the current administration with it.
In other words, Washington is giving Iranian’s two options, either they bring down their government on their own or the United States will do that for them.
Then, Washington would install a puppet leader of its choosing, that they could easily manipulate. This mindless shell of a human would ultimately have the best interests of the United States as top priority.
A very recent example of this is what the United States is trying (and failing) to accomplish in Venezuela. The have attempted to unseat the legitimate president, Nicolas Maduro and insert a CIA sponsored imperial tool, Juan Guaido. Washington’s end goal, however, is not “regime change”, but instead the collapse of the oil-rich Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Other attempts by the United States at regime change have failed as well, including President Bashar Al Assad in Syria. After eight years of imposing sanctions, supporting terrorist factions, and using every overt and covert play in the book, President Assad is still in control and will continue to lead his country as long as the people support him (which the vast majority do).........

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