Tuesday, August 27, 2019

if you be one of those rubes who still believe there is rule of law, following the constitution, here in the empire you should read the following speaking of a new 'law' that might be heading our way;

The text of the TAPS Act, “Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety Act of 2019,” gives unlimited and arbitrary authority to 24 bureaucrats. It is written in double-speak with loopholes for the pencil pushers. Bottom line — it’s a behavioral police force that self-empowers to deprive us of our constitutional rights if they don’t like our behavior. It’s bipartisan too!
The bill doesn’t mention guns. It is meant to control people, period. It’s very Orwellian. This gives you an idea of where our politicians want to take us, some with the best of intentions. 
It is reminiscent of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. That act was ostensibly meant to control threats in a so-called war with France, but it was actually a means to control political speech. The President could deport anyone he deemed dangerous without affording the person any rights and it made it illegal to “defame the government.” It was a joke and it was abused immediately.
The TAPS act violates our constitutional rights. It gives the Department of Homeland Security the right to appoint 23 unelected pencil pushers to “identify individuals who are exhibiting patterns of concerning behavior” and to manage those Americans somehow, some way. They would become a policing body ruling the behavior of Americans as judge, jury, and executioner.
The “Joint Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Task Force” would consist of one government employee at a GS-15 level or higher and 23 selectees chosen by the politically-appointed Secretary. The people would not even get to elect any of these people.
Their job would be to select those individuals who show “concerning behaviors” and create an authoritative power on the federal and local level to watch over them and control them.
Who gets to define “concerning behavior?”.......https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/did-you-hear-about-hr-838-it-creates-a-behavioral-police-force/253183

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