Monday, August 5, 2019

there appear to be many unusual things in these three shootings, and they're highlighted in the following exploration of those, including several photos i find most interesting, one of which i've already posted showing that the walmart shooter evidently decided to change his pants during the process and didn't carry enough ammo to do what he's said to have done;

During the last seven days, the U.S. has had a rash of seemingly random and sketchy mass shooting events. Mystery and confusion appear to be a common threads.

Gilroy Garlic Festival, California

July 28, authorities say Santino William Legan, 19, killed three people and injured more than a dozen others at the Gilroy, Calif., annual Garlic Festival. He used “an assault-type rifle legally purchased in Nevada on July 9 and believed to have been bought by Legan,” ABC News reports. “Investigators told ABC” that they “were aware of posts Legan had made to Instagram that included white supremacist themes.”
Yet, FBI officials on Aug. 1 called media reports characterizing the Gilroy festival gunman’s ideology “wrong” after outlets referenced a social media post and literature associated with white supremacists.........

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