Friday, August 2, 2019

the following is written by a vietnamese who came to the empire as a child and after living here and several other places has returned to vietnam. i've been reading his stuff for some time. in the this piece he makes some very interesting points i suspect will surprise many of you. and the rest is at the link;

Voting or protesting, Americans don’t just achieve nothing, they lend legitimacy to their criminal government, for it can declare to the rest of the world, “See, we are a democracy! Our citizens do vote, and they can even protest!”

It’s an obvious point I’ve made repeatedly, though clearly into the void, but in my last article, I also suggested that revolution and coup d’état are impossible in the USA, but “With guerrilla actions, [Americans] can certainly carve out liberated zones, however, so there’s your glimmer of hope.”

A reader responded, “No, they can’t. If that were possible, it would have been done in the 80’s or 90’s—not now or in the future, when the repression is at its heaviest. You need to let go of that fantasy.”

Although I agree the American state will repress ever more barbarically, with even less an appearance of legality, Washington’s reach will be greatly diminished, simply because it has wrecked the country on which its power depends.

America’s economy is a staggering zombie, its infrastructure duct taped and its global prestige splattered with much innocent blood and relentless mendacity. Worse, it can’t be rebuilt because it has no racial, cultural or philosophical foundation left, and even its borders are disavowed by a large chunk of its population.

Many 21st century Americans will cringe at my listing of race as a national foundation or glue, but across the American Southwest, there are countless graffiti extolling “la raza,” and in “Communist” Vietnam, I routinely see nationalist or racialist billboards. Last week, I spotted a sign, “VIETNAM IS ONE, VIETNAMESE ARE ONE.” Ho Chi Minh declared this in 1963, meaning North and South Vietnam should be united, but here, now, it means all the ethnic tribes, some only recently conquered, should see themselves as Vietnamese.

There’s always violence in assimilation, and you can’t have unity without conformity. With 54 ethnicities, Vietnam is also multicultural, like most other societies, but the Vietnamese are securely dominant numerically, thus culturally, and they’re not going to let this leverage be challenged or diluted.

Although Kurds, Armenians, Kazakhs or Chams, etc., may be invaded, massacred, evicted or scattered, they can reclaim or reconstitute their nation even centuries later, as long as they’ve retained enough of their core identity, which is primarily based on their practically hermetic language. Unlike English, it’s not a much corrupted whore. I’m messing with her right now..........

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