Monday, August 5, 2019

the attack on what's left of our constitutional form of government is on a fast track with several priorities, among them, self-defense, which could be used against the uniforms coming our way;

The fact that Trump is going along with every fake shooting, despite his alleged disdain for "fake news", suggests that he is fully capable of repeating his executive ban on bump fire stocks to include all semi-automatic weapons, including both rifles and pistols. That betrayal would most likely occur after his re-election in 2020, as it would infuriate a large element of his base, and could safely be done then.

Serious gun-owners are insistent that gun ownership is not a privilege conferred by government and thus revocable by the government. Some call it a God-given right, while others may regard it simply as a natural right. 

Looking at the issue from an extended historical perspective, ownership of weapons has always been tightly controlled. Swords, which were highly effective at close range, were in many countries the exclusive possession of a military or aristocratic elite. 

Even knives, the most basic tools of the poor, could be controlled in terms of when, where and how they could be carried. Crossbows, often extremely powerful and capable of defeating aristocratic armor, could also be regulated. 

The use of the phrase Molon Labe, "come and get it" has long since replaced the invocation of the Second Amendment on t-shirts and other ways of displaying one's attitude toward guns. ........

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