Sunday, August 4, 2019

fred has always been one of my favorite writers for many things including his clear way of describing what he sees around him, and here he takes on congress showing those who care to read, how corrupt and useless it is as judged by its 'results';

It is curious: Though I have for decades worked in journalism, mostly in Washington, I know almost nothing of Congress. I mean this literally. I do not know who Mitch McConnell is, his function, or his politics, though I have the impression that he is a Republican. Who was, or is, Paul (I think it is) Ryan? Is he in the House or the Senate? I don’t know. I have no idea who heads any committee.
You might ask, “What sort of fraud is this Reed guy? Why doesn’t he know stuff that everybody knows?”
Easy. Because Congress doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. It is a bauble that fascinates the strange ingrown world of DC, but the marionettes are less important than those who pull their strings.
It may seem odd, but the national legislature has nothing to do with anything of importance. Consider the most crucial issues affecting America:
The endless wars. These kill millions who have done nothing to deserve killing, threaten America’s position in the world, and cost trillions. Congress does nothing.
The military budget, euphemistically called the “defense” budget. It drains money desperately needed for other things, encourages massive corruption, and distorts the national economy. Congress rubber stamps it............

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