pcr speaks here about the craziness that has descended upon us from those who identify as leftists these days;
The Western Leftwing Preaches Hatred of the Working Class
Paul Craig Roberts
Considering the American rightwing’s adsorption in war and hatred of
Muslims, worship of capitalism whose operatives have sent American
middle class jobs abroad, and blind support of Israel, a racist country,
Americans desperately need a real leftwing. All we have is a fake leftwing.
I sometimes think the last American leftist was British born Alex
Cockburn, whose mother was a British aristocrat and whose father was a
muckraking journalist. I knew Alex. He was a gentleman leftist, but more or less a real leftist.
Today’s leftists are into hate, not the hate of the capitalist
exploiter, who most likely has bought them off, but the hate of white
people, especially straight white males. The American left is into Identity Politics and Antifa. Identity Politics damns the working class as the “Trump deplorables.” The working class is no longer a favored victim group. Indeed,
it is a victimizer. The official victim groups are “racial minorities,”
who actually are huge majorities in the world, females, homosexuals and
lesbians, and the “transgendered.” Anyone can become transgendered simply by declaring themselves to be the opposite gender from what they are.
The working class is under attack for being “white supremacists.” This
is the way to shut them up, while sympathy is directed to the poor male
who has declared himself transgendered into a woman and just won a
woman’s sport event. Normal
people (soon a crime) have criticized letting a man win a women’s sport
contest, and the leftwing comes down on these normal people for being
‘transgender phobic.”............https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/07/03/the-western-leftwing-preaches-hatred-of-the-working-class/
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