Monday, July 29, 2019

you won't sleep well with this individuals thoughts and evidence but i assure you he hits the nails on their respective heads, repeatedly thru all of his posts i've read;

Jim Rickards has written a new book Aftermath. In chapter 6 he discusses the Mar a Lago Accords.
He has previously predicted $10,000 gold and $400 silver with no reliable date as to when that happens . Now he is also predicting in his latest book that the dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency.
That will mean we can no longer print I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes to buy free things for free from overseas so that American voters would not realize that the Elite had decided to cut their wages and raise their rents by allowing unlimited legal and illegal immigration.
The proposed Mar a Lago Accords would be similar to the Plaza Accords of 1985 and the Louvre Accords of 1987 which lowered American living standards. They were agreements reached by the G-6 nations that lowered the value of the US dollar making it possible to absorb tens of millions of immigrants by guaranteeing everyone a job even if at a lower wage.
The high value of the dollar meant that Washington DC could sell Treasury bonds overseas so they could pay the wages of 31 million federal, state and local government workers who were immune to the influx of immigrants.
President Obama did something similar to devaluing the dollar in Obamacare. From 1998 to 2011 we added 44 million people to America’s population through legal and illegal immigration and their offspring. But the total number of hours worked remained constant at 196 billion hours. Locally,  a black woman who was a fast food restaurant manager explained to her crew that none of them would ever get to work 40 hours a week. President Obama had cut their weekly wages 25% but few of her employees ever figured that out. Some did cry because the knew the hardship facing them. They were just unaware that their President had betrayed them for the benefit of illegal aliens...........

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