Thursday, July 25, 2019

fred describes the democrats for trump movement we've all been seeing, and he does it quite well as is his usual practice;

They’re going to do it, I tell you: The whole touchy-feely do-gooding ratpack of Microaggression worriers, reparations freaks, weird sexual curiosities, race hustlers, bat.-Antifa psychos, and egalitarian enstupidators of universities. They are going to elect Trump. Again.
Washington, where I shortly will be for a bit, is crazy. It has not the slightest, wan, etiolated idea of what is going on in America. The Democrats are fielding as candidates a roster of middle-school clowns and unflavored tapioca. Are they secretly in Trump’s pay? Like Clinton with her “Deplorables” suicide line?
Probably the Russians are behind it.
But…can the Dems be serious? They’ve got to be drinking the Kool-Aid. We have Kamala Harris, a colored woman who is in favor of busing. This means sending white children forty-five minutes each way to violent fifth-rate schools where they will be bullied without mercy and come away hating blacks. She thinks parents will put her racial enthusiasms over the welfare of their kids. Not gonna happen, Kamala gal.
Kamala says we need more integration. Why? What good is it? Who is going to vote for it? Do not people avoid it like hemorrhagic tuberculosis when they have a choice?
The entire screwy list of adolescent canditatorial hamsters favors reparations for, oh god, slavery. We will never hear the end of slavery. Like the liver of Prometheus, slavery is a resource never depleted.
Reparations of course means forcing whites who never owned slaves to give money to blacks who never were slaves. Granted, this will get the Democrats the votes of American Africans, which they had anyway........

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