its time for kunstler's bi-weekly commentary on the foolishness presented daily by 'our' government and one of its 'political parties' is featured in this;
And so the four horsepeople-of-color arise, at once the glorious
avatars of Wokesterdom in all their incendiary wrath, and the butt of
ridicule among a pretty big chunk of everybody else in this land. I
speak of congresswomen Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and AOC, a.k.a. “the
Squad,” riding a reconn mission to the precipice of that great cliff of
electoral catastrophe — in advance of the political party that is apt to
follow them over the edge in 2020, like so many suicidal lemmings.
Charges of “racism” have been twanging around the Federal District
all week as if a throng of medieval re-enactors had taken over the place
and were putting on a colorful pageant about ergot poisoning, with the
townspeople afflicted by creeping incubi, crawling succubi, winged
demons, murderous furies, and other agents of Satan. I have often noted
that our president is the genuine article of a supernatural figure
himself, being both a Golden Golem of Greatness and a Twitter troll of
the highest degree. Last week, the four Squad gals pointed their fingers
and ululated at him — “racist! racist! —expecting perhaps that
a bolt from on-high might strike him dead, but it only prompted him to
more keyboard villainy, challenging them to fly back to whatever
infernal hellhole they came out of. For three of them it was the good
ol’ USA, parts of which are, let’s face it, rather hellhole-ish these
The American race hustle is getting kind of old and it’s a sure loser
for the Democratic Party. Why they can’t move beyond it and engage with
the many other mighty matters of our time is one of those abiding
mysteries of life, like why the birdies sing, or why the Mets can’t get
decent relief pitching. I daresay that in my lifetime this country has
bent over backwards to assist, accommodate, and uplift the demographic
that styles itself nowadays as people-of-color. None of that
has managed to abolish significant economic inequality. But, really,
what else can be done? Spend trillions more promoting fatherless
households? (The Wokesters might like that, seeing as how much they
detest people of the male persuasion.)...........
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