Monday, July 1, 2019

are you anti-semitic?;

We begin this week’s edition of ‘Jewish War on Free Speech’ with the news that Deborah Lipstadt – who pretends to be an ‘expert’ on the ‘Holocaust’ but doesn’t even seem to know any significant details of the so-called ‘Holocaust’ – has been engaging in her real occupation of shrieking about so-called ‘anti-Semitism’ and this week she has been delightfully comparing it to herpes – with which she is clearly intimately acquainted – and claiming that it ‘cannot be wiped out’ because it is ‘irrational’. (1)

It apparently hasn’t ever occurred to Lipstadt that jewish behaviour is the principle cause of ‘anti-Semitism’ and even if it did then it would have quickly dismissed as an ‘irrational’ thought, because as we all know the chosen people can do no wrong.

Instead of searching for meaningful answers to the issue of so-called ‘anti-Semitism’ jews – of which Lipstadt is a prime example - shriek about the need for ‘initiatives’ to ‘combat anti-Semitism’ for which they need ‘funding’ from concerned jewish billionaires – such as Robert Kraft (2) and Roman Abramovich – (3) and eternally shift the definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ to include any and all criticism of jews, Judaism and/or the state of Israel. (4)

The method these jewish ‘experts on hate’ – who have rarely done any real research on what their opponents say but rather simply waffle on in general platitudes and historical claims made by the existing literature on ‘anti-Semitism’ – use is to create the illusion of authority behind their claims – such as the ‘Working Definition of Anti-Semitism’ outlined by the ‘International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’ (hereafter IHRA), which is actually a pro-Israel think-tank despite the neutral-sounding name) – and then demand adherence to these claimed ‘international standards’. (5)

This ‘international standard’ is then used as a means to broaden the ‘definition’ of ‘anti-Semitism’ and by so-doing attack even the most milquetoast of Israel’s critics let lone international jewry’s multitude of self-created enemies by both jewish groups (6) and the state of Israel itself. (7)

The ‘rising level’ of ‘anti-Semitism’ calculated using this impossibly broad definition provided by the IHRA is then used as the ‘justification’ behind draconian new laws designed to criminalize any criticism of jews, Judaism and/or the state of Israel (8) using any random incident involving jews as the victim as a clarion call (9) and shut down (10) – and preferably imprison – (11) said critics.

Add to that calls for special government-funded armed security for jews when the inevitable blow back occurs (12) and a bit of anti-gentile iconoclasm (13) and you’ve got the ‘Jewish War on Free Speech’ for this week...........

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