Tuesday, March 12, 2019

this is a bit longer than the usual item but i post it because of its most interesting nature: its a vietnamese refugee from years ago who has lived in america for a long time and then went to other countries to live and explore. in this he surveys an american who moved to russia, and then moves about in the concepts;

In the latest entry of my Escape from America series, I interview an American who’s living in Russia, a country that’s been relentlessly demonized by the Western media. To a minority of Americans, however, Russia is a nationalist beacon, or even a possible refuge, as it already is to many Afrikaners.
How long have you lived overseas?
For about 8 years. But I visited home two times in those 8 years for a month or so.
And since I travel by moving somewhere for work, I have only scratched the surface of Europe and never even been to South America or Africa. :/
So in a nutshell it’s been: ≈ 2 years in Vietnam, ≈ 3 years in Japan, ≈ 3 years in Russia.
But of course, there were many smaller trips around and breaks in between in places like Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia. A brief stint in Finland, passing through Germany, Poland, Ukraine. I pride myself in getting to know the culture instead of just checking it off a list, but I’m getting a bit older so now I would love to have financial independence in order to explore other continents for shorter periods like my yuppie friends do.
What made you decide to leave the US?.........http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=185026

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