Thursday, March 7, 2019

the title of this has to be: you can't make this shit up. it seems there are some corrupt ways among israeli politicians and their minions causing them some difficulties, and here below, you can feast your eyes upon the tip of the iceberg when it comes to evidence;

We begin this edition of ‘Jews, Crime and Corruption’ with the news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now been formally charged with corruption in two of the investigations against him, his family and his associates (1) with a possible third indictment coming from another of the investigations (2) after weeks of speculation, (3) legal maneuvering (4) and bluster. These formal charges have already brought about changes in the state of play in Israeli and diaspora politics with diaspora jewry openly planning for ‘life after Netanyahu’ (5) and the polls (6) as well as protests (7) calling for him to resign immediately and not contest the forthcoming Israeli elections in April. This isn’t surprising given the scale of the corruption with just one investigation pointing to corrupt deals with over $500 million with the Israeli telecommunications giant Bezeq. (8)

Despite this legal noose having become firmly affixed around the Israeli Prime Minister – accompanied by much (justified) gloating from his political opponents (9) and sorrow from his friends – (10) he has still come out swing with a violent attack on his political opponents, the media and the judiciary for ‘being corrupt’ themselves in a typical piece of political chutzpah (11) and which have since been rebutted by Israel’s top prosecutor (12) who has been provided with bodyguards lest anonymous individuals suddenly decide that he had better shut up. (13)

Adding to Netanyahu’s woes is the fact that the Israeli Comptroller has informed the Israeli Prime Minister that he has to return the $300,000 donated to him by his billionaire jewish friends in the diaspora to pay for his legal costs, (14) while infamous ‘Israel right or wrong’ jewish ‘American patriot’ Alan Dershowitz has managed to delude himself into defending Netanyahu in an open letter while screeching about a ‘Nazi conspiracy’ among jews (15) and has promptly been called on his ridiculous serial chutzpah and laughed at by practically everyone in Israeli politics who isn’t beholden to Netanyahu in some way. (16)

Despite Netanyahu trying to claim that some nebulous ‘documents’ that he ‘cannot get hold of’ would rebut the charges; (17) it is fairly clear that this is the end for the Israeli Prime Minister.........

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