Wednesday, January 1, 2025

 pcr has a year end message;

Dear Supporters,

It was about 15 years ago that I resigned my syndicated column and retired for two months before you called me out of retirement.  We made a deal.  I would establish a website and continue as long as you supported it. You have done so, although never extravagantly, for 15 years.  I have always thought  that the financial support the website receives is still solidly located in those still alive who sent the 5,000 emails demanding my return from retirement.

But I don’t know. There has never been sufficient funds to hire someone to keep a list of donors, to communicate them them, and so forth.  For me the job has been to stay informed for you and to provide explanations more truthful than the official narratives.  This has become more difficult, because real journalists, such as Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Julian Assange have been driven out and now operate independently if at all  in the online alternative media. In the print and TV media presstitutes have taken their place. The traditional news organizations have been turned into propaganda ministries.

Having been educated in four of the top universities, having been a student of two Nobel prize winners in economics and a student of the distinguished scientist and philosopher Michael Polanyi, having been an academic in top institutions  such as Stanford and Georgetown universities, having made  scholarly contributions in prestigious scholarly journals over many fields, having been a member of the Congressional staff and a witness to the nitty-gritty, having been involved with   President Reagan’s  economic policy and his policy to end the Cold War, having been a journalist as Associate Editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week, columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service,  columnist for Creator’s Syndicate,  columnist for French and Italian newspapers, as a businessman with a consulting service and president of a water company, director of a global manufacturing corporation and financial institution, as Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury,  I have witnessed much.......more.........

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