Wednesday, March 27, 2024

 martin armstrong on ukraine and vicky nuland. this post doesn't seem to tell the whole story. toria's grandfather was the target of a pogram in odessa in 1905 is the greater tale i've read in several places;

The Western Press continues to report only the propaganda from the NEOCON mouthpiece, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law runs. I have warned that they were trying to start war BEFORE the election, and the two main targets in time were May and July. Be very careful of any media that uses the ISW as its source. It was Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, who wrote the Washington Post piece calling Trump a dictator because his wife has been in every administration EXCEPT Trump’s.

Victoria Nuland is really of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Her family changed their name to try to hide their Jewish ethnic background. She really would be Nudelman, not Nuland. She is actually the daughter of Yale bioethics and medicine professor Sherwin B. Nuland, who changed his surname from Nudelman to Nuland. She has retained her family name Nuland to perhaps further hide her Jewish connection by being married to Robert Kagan. Victoria speaks Russian, French, and some Chinese. Hiding her Jewish background is critical. Her father was raised by parents who were Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Ukraine. Hence, her grandparents were Jewish Meyer Nudelman (1889-1958) and Vitsche Lutsky (1893-1941). This explains why Nuland has been a public proponent for Ukraine to wage war against Russia.........more......

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