for any who have any doubts that cbdc is on the way, worldwide, and coordinated in the process regardless of the brick or swift systems.
usually at this point i'd post some links to reinforce if not display the realities we face but what happened is that over the last few days, i've been seeing lots of oblique references to the next twelve to twenty-four months, the empire expected to 'roll' out the said 'currency'. now i'm listening to a russian girl speak about how they were in the same timeline, which under all of our different systems there must be some sort of consolidation and coordination. control in short order, should we surrender, literally, if we participate.
here is one link sent to me by another that's quite revealing that i was able to track down, remember the source;
virtually all of the prognosticators i am aware of are predicting things in the months from here till after the 'selection' will be getting squirrely. be aware.
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