Wednesday, December 27, 2023

 two in a row from martin armstrong who is frequently spot on;

A revolution cannot be used interchangeably with “civil war.” For you see, a civil war occurs when the people are divided and fight one another; a revolution occurs when the people join forces and overthrow the government. As indicated in the Oxford dictionary:

Revolution – a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system

Civil War – a war between citizens of the same country

Politics has successfully divided the nation, and the pandemic exacerbated the differences between the left and right. They have attempted to divide us by class – the haves and have-nots. We have the welfare state on one side and a select few amassing the majority of the world’s wealth on the other. The 99% in the middle are now fighting against one another, with some pushing for socialism to ensure we are all financially equally. As the saying goes, “You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”.......more.....

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