Sunday, April 2, 2023

 in case it wasn't obvious before this case makes clear that there are two sets of law; one for the big people and one for the little;

My dear friends and despised enemies, in spite of the day this is not a joke. I wouldn’t joke. Not anymore. I don’t want to go to jail.

Jokes which the Regime finds harmful to it are now illegal. You will be tossed into the hole if you’re funny enough to sting Regime candidates.

Douglass Mackey, a.k.a. Ricky Vaughn, has been convicted for telling jokes. Or I should say, good jokes.

His “crime” was to tease Hillary Clinton, and Hillary voters. Which he did with verve and wit and great cleverness. We wrote about him here and here.

I know what you’re thinking. “Why is Briggs so upset? It sounds like there should be something more here.” Alas, there is not. He posted jokes and memes that ridiculed the left, and now he will pay for this political crime.

He was convicted after almost three days of jury deliberation. Three days. In a New York court. Though Mackey lives in and joked from Florida. You can follow his Twitter accounts for details (give him monetary support here), which are scant at the moment I write this, which is shortly after the unconscionable verdict was handed out. His lawyer is confident of the verdict being overturned. But he has to be.........more.........

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