Wednesday, December 28, 2022

 the empire's propaganda machine: 'our free press', owned and operated by zionists, has a dog in the fight and so you only hear what they intend for you to hear, and virtually none of it is real or true but here is another perspective;

Looks like we will make it to Dec 31, 2022. Will we make it to December 31, 2023?

This question is not hyperbole.  I would even argue that this is the single most important question for at least the entire northern hemisphere.

I have been warning that Russia is preparing for a fullscale war since at least 2014.  Putin basically said just that in his recent speech before the Russian Defense Ministry Board.  If you have not seen this video, you really should watch it, it it will give you a direct insight into how the Kremlin thinks and what it is preparing for.  Here is that video again:.........more.........

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