Saturday, November 26, 2022

 i've been following this author for several years and have yet to find any errors in the history or coming events found in this blog, so i suggest you give full consideration to the points made herein;

Before Identity politics and social media joined forces, people used to vote their economic interests. Back in the day, Democrats used to pretend to represent the interests of union workers. They always began their fall presidential campaigns with a rousing speech in Detroit to stir up unionized workers. That was before the Clintons, Al Gore and Joe Biden passed NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) in 1993 which closed 80,000 US manufacturing plants. Obama bailed out General Motors by sending manufacturing jobs overseas so today the Democrats no longer start their presidential campaigns in Detroit.

Supposedly, we are in a post industrial society where your Identity is more important than anything tangible, such as, a job, a profession or a small business. But in reality we are in a bubble that is about to burst worldwide and not just in the US. Unfortunately, lots of foreign nations will be be taken down when the US collapses some time before November 2024.

In the 1930s Wassily Leontief did an empirical study of the American economy. He began with the outputs of extractive industries like mining, oil, timber and farming and traced those commodities to the industries that bought them and used them to make steel, gasoline, diesel and aluminum. Then he traced each layer of production to the next level. His conclusion was that America used its abundant resources and its skilled labor to add value to what they had extracted from the ground to give American workers a higher standard of living than their European brothers and sisters.

Economists after WW II discovered that Leontief’s rosy description of America was completely undone when the Elite had pushed our population past 150 million and we had to start importing raw materials for industry..........more........

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