Wednesday, November 23, 2022

 as you read thru this you might come closer to my current point of view on the 'tribe'. twenty years ago i would have never thought or said such things as i do these days after learning much i never knew before. just for grins, find out how long it takes to cremate a human body and then multiply that times six million. i think you've discovered a gap in the 'official' story there as you add things up. just because someone is part of the tribe doesn't mean they're part of the problem, just as all italians aren't mafia but when a group has been thrown out of more than a hundred countries over the years its like smoke indicating fire. if you watch independent news centered on palestine/israel you get much of what i speak of here;

The purpose of this essay is threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined. I will address these points in reverse order, and deal with the current crop of wunderkind at the end.

I do not profess to be able to irrefutably document all the assertions made in this essay, nor to definitively substantiate all the inferences made. The topic is such that too much of the necessary legal evidence is irretrievably hidden from public view and accessibility, and we must in many cases rely on logic and circumstantial evidence to support our assertions and inferences. While the proofs are not as complete as one would desire, this level of evidentiary support is often sufficient, especially when our cases follow an established pattern and we have such reasoning and evidence in bulk. The descriptions and evidence in this essay will serve at least to provide a reasonable basis for understanding and to “draw attention to some of the great forces which have been molding our world”. The figures presented in this essay are not meant as precise calculations, but to impress upon readers the magnitude of the numbers and amounts with which we are dealing.

The Power of Compound Interest

Much of this essay is primarily dependent on only one simple thesis: that those with enormous wealth do not leave it idle but put it to a constant good use; the money is always at work. It is lent out to finance wars and colonisation, to purchase legitimate businesses, to establish control of governments and national economies, and more...........more...........

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