Monday, February 28, 2022

 trudeau/castreau's moves here could be a companion piece to the snyder post on food earlier this am;

The Canadian government led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is so angry at the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters for daring to question his COVID-19 vaccine order that officials are literally implementing ‘payback’ policies that are going to hurt all citizens.

Though Trudeau revoked the emergency authority he assumed earlier this month to crush the Freedom Convoy protest, the damage has already been done to Canadian liberties and the precedent sent.

One of the measures Trudeau’s government used against the protesters and their supporters was to freeze bank accounts so they couldn’t access funds to live. Now, a Canadian institution has adopted a policy that could literally lead to starvation.

Federal bank @FCCagriculture was compiling blacklist of account holders suspected of sympathizing with #FreedomConvoy. Consequences included suspension of loans,” Canadian journalist Holly Doan reported via, watch and tweet more..........

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