Sunday, October 3, 2021

 this writer says that the final chapter has arrived. that's all folks;

If you told someone two years ago the world would look like it does today, they would have called you a nut job spewing science fiction with a dash of conspiracy theory! We use two years as a timeframe because if you recall, the overnight repo market blew its lid in late September 2019. And what a two years it has been since!

We knew at the time the Fed would be required to embark on their final pump job because credit was faltering badly. “Thankfully”, COVID-19 came along to shut down economies and thus massively reduced credit demand. This gave the world’s central banks some time, and cover, to reliquefy the system and of course do what they do best…INFLATE! We have said all along that Richard Russell was correct years ago when he termed the phrase “inflate or die”. The only problem is, global debt had already built up to unpayable levels even before the repo blowout two years ago which led to the crackup boom we have just witnessed. 

Looking back at the last two years is mind boggling. We have seen a global pandemic where total death rates rose only slightly but at least the normal flu seems to have been cured, heart attacks, cancer, lung disease, even car accidents all no longer seem to be the causes of death…Experimental vaccines were introduced that we were told would lead us back to normal. After 10’s of thousand’s of deaths and 100’s of thousand’s severe reactions, now they tell us they are becoming mandatory? But wait, the drug companies now have a new miracle pill, I think it’s called “Horsemectivir”, that will be approved for humans only, not horses and livestock so it must be good! Back to normal here we come…

We watched as our cities were burned and looted during “mostly peaceful” protests. We also saw an election stolen which installed a man who did not campaign, cannot put two sentences together, but does know what “10%” represents! Thankfully, no more than 36 people ever showed up to any of his rallies because of covid risk, while Trump had millions collectively who presumably mostly died off from the super spreader events? The election was followed by a massive insurrection on Capitol Hill that the left, the press, and smart people in general, called more horrific than 911! more.........

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