Monday, March 23, 2020

china got the beer flu in november/december it seems, co-incidentally  at the same time there was a visiting american military sports team which finished thirty fifth in the games. curious that on many levels.
it also has been reported that this beer flu may have originated at unc in eastern north carolina and that it contains bits of hiv and sars. the chinese government then largely shut down the country. now the reports from china are, no new cases. they acted to save their population.

the empire has been accusing the chinese of overreacting on one hand and under reacting on the other as it seems the empire wants to be sure they get the 'perpetrator' named as the guilty party. the mango mussolini is now calling it the chinese virus as we know the empire loves to blame others so as to make themselves look wonderful. the empire loves to find and blame guilty parties but seemingly never is guilty of anything itself and is always put upon and blameless.

the empire has insufficient facilities and goods to tackle the wuflu and is also, one more time, acting to save the banks which, since the last economic go round, have been gambling again knowing full well that they can count on their friends in congress to save their hide. in the process of caring for their poor bank friends one more time the 'consumer', mindless sheep that they are, will be fleeced once again as the wave their flags.

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