Friday, February 14, 2020

our world in constant search of the politically correct stand on everything is wacky and has been turned inside out, so read the pcr essay below and see some evidence of this point;

White People Are Being Erased
Paul Craig Roberts
White people aren’t supposed to know that they are being demonized by the New York Times, PBS, universities, the Democrat Party’s Identity Politics, and corporations, and if they find out they are not allowed to protest.  If they do protest, they are in even more trouble.
Those Americans empowered by “white privilege” who are still a demographic majority are too scared and too intimidated to open their mouths or use their pocketbooks to protest their demonization and marginalization. Facebook and Twitter will drop them, denying them their virtual existence. Indoctrinated and mindless white friends will shun them as racist, anti-semitic white supremacists.  Twenty-eight US states will fire them if state employed and deny them contracts if their protests have anything to do with Israel. Deserted and isolated on social media, their life will be over.  This is what “white privilege” means.
Throughout the Western world truth is out of favor.  Indeed, truth is objectionable.  It offends Identity Politics, feminism, the Israel Lobby, the military/security complex, Monsanto/Bayer, the extractive industries, the pharmaceutical industry, the “woke people,” the transgendered and every other interest that desires to be unaccountable and free of criticism. 
Today it is much more important to be sensitive to “woke people” and the Israel Lobby than it is to tell the truth. Truth has ceased to be a criteria in news reporting and analysis.  Indeed, it is increasingly dangerous to challenge official explanations. It gets you fired and left unemployable in the media, the educational system, and Google. .......

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