Tuesday, February 25, 2020

i have always re-posted this bloggers items, in part because i had knowledge and awareness of his subjects, and knew them to be accurate. this time i know virtually nothing about what he posts but re-post because in the past he's always been spot on, so i suggest you give great consideration to him on this subject;

A few observations.
Deagel Drops US 2025 Population Forecast To 54 Million by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline TDC Note – The original chart Deagel produced, just a few shorts years ago, showed the U.S. population dropping to 65 million now it is revised to 54 million.
Maybe this famous Deagel population forecast was cognizant of a series of plagues and even a possible Civil War in America. A population of 56 million in America would be in line with the Georgia Guidestones which tell us the world should only have 500 million people. Americans would be around 11% of total world population.
Is it a coincidence that the virus was released in Wuhan which was also the pilot program location for China’s 5G 60 MHZ nationwide network? Hundreds of scientists tried to tell the UN that 5G networks would greatly harm human health. We do know that any virus will strike people with pre existing conditions the hardest. Maybe 5G 60 MHZ networks were a pre existing condition for everyone in China.
WHO did not bother to quarantine the Chinese who fled China directly which suggests either incompetence or a willful intent to spread the pandemic. Wealthy Chinese got out of China and bought airline tickets to destinations all over the world from Asian cities outside the Mainland. China has 360,000 students studying in the US and Canada.
Dr Paul Cottrell who practices in Manhattan is getting information from inside insurance companies, from the military, from family members with some kind of virus and from nurses treating patients. The CDC is low balling the number of cases. They are not testing people with the flu for the Wuhan virus. There are a lot more Americans with this virus than the CDC wants us to know about.............read more......

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