Friday, November 22, 2019

i believe trump to be about as corrupt and useless as many of his predecessors but this impeachment circus is all wrong;

"Impeachment Circus - Today's Bombshell Is Another Dud" (Moon).  What we're seeing is a bunch of swamp creatures, all of whom have a very militaristic view of facing off against Russia (hopefully using ginned up conflict with Ukraine to restart the Cold War and even start WWIII), and some of whom even have Ukrainian nationalist tendencies, having a big policy difference with the elected President, and Shifty trying to turn that into an impeachable offense by running through a list of people who heard the same call and disagreed with it (for a terrible Trump conspiracy, it appears that most of Washington was listening in!).  Trump's sin in their eyes is that he is too diplomatic, but I can't see any way to make that into an impeachable offense, unless you want the swamp to prevail over an elected President, a horrible precedent for the Democrats to set.............

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