Friday, April 26, 2019

this be your daily serving of the thin blue line in all of its glory;

Allentown, PA — Thanks to police officers who chose to violate rights instead of uphold them, taxpayers in Allentown, Pennsylvania will shell out $270,000 to a 4-foot 11-inch grandma whose only crime was demanding cops obey the law.
The incident unfolded on May 2, 2016 when Charlene Klein woke to the sound of cops banging on her door in the middle of the night. When she opened the door, she saw officer Stephen Madison and Christopher Hendricks standing on her porch with officer Michael Good and other police nearby, according to the lawsuit.
Madison asked Klein if her son was home and then asked if police could search her home. Klein, who knows her rights, then asked officers if they had a warrant to search her home or a warrant to arrest her son. According to the lawsuit, police replied that they had neither, so Klein told them that they could not come in and she began to close her screen door.
As the Morning Call reports, according to the lawsuit, Madison tried to keep Klein from closing the door, and when his finger got pinched, he ripped the door out of Klein’s hands. Madison grabbed Klein by the shoulders, violently pulling her outside, the suit alleges. Madison and Hendricks then lifted Klein with her arms behind her back and threw her onto the concrete wall between Klein’s and her neighbor’s property before handcuffing her, the lawsuit alleges......

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