Saturday, April 20, 2019

let us know where you stand on this point.. the mango mussolini is an israeli stooge;

LD:  Admire Trump as much as you want, but at least have the honesty to admit  that the man is a Zionist stooge who loves Israel, like most American Jews, more than he loves America. Having moved the American embassy to Jerusalem and decided that the Golan Heights, contrary to international law, should be ceded to Israel, Trump now goes one step further in stating that Israel should be exempt from the judgments of the International Criminal Court. In other words, Israel must not be held responsible for its war crimes. It needs to be “aggressive” for its own good and is therefore beyond international law. Give Trump a chance and he will soon be telling us that “Evil is good”, at least when Israel does it. (LD)

“Bibi, my friend . . .”

“Israel is very special to me. A special country, a special people. We are very much in favor of what Israel does. They are aggressive and they have no choice but to be aggressive. Bibi, my friend .  . . we are with Israel 100 per cent” — Quote from video below.........

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