Saturday, February 1, 2025


The Arbitrary Hypocrisy of American “Justice”

Paul Craig Roberts

US Democrat Senator Bob Menendez, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was sentenced to eleven years in prison by federal district judge Sidney Stein for acting as an illegal agent for Egypt and accepting cash and gold bars as payment.

How does this differ from the $1,417,811 bribe that Big Pharma pays in campaign contributions to Senator Bernie Sanders or the $821,941  campaign contribution Big Pharma pays to Senator Elizabeth Warren?  If you think these sums don’t make Sanders and Warren agents of Big Pharma, you are out of your mind.  Warren is doing her Big Pharma assigned job by trying to block Robert Kennedy’s confirmation as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Congress is up for sale, and it is purchased with campaign contributions. Everyone in Washington knows that members are purchased by lobby groups, such as Big Pharma, the military/security complex, agribusiness, energy, the Israel Lobby, and so on.  A corrupt or stupid Supreme Court legalized the purchase of the US government by lobby groups.  This is the reason that Congress does not represent the people who elect Congress. You can blame your lack of representation squarely on the US Supreme Court. One can’t help but wonder if there were under the table payoffs.

An uninformed person might answer that Menendez was paid personally, whereas campaign contributions are not personal money.  But, in fact, retiring members are entitled to take their election war fund with them.  Those planning to retire pay attention to building up their re-election funds...........more.........

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